Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jaws of Life

Overdue books are a constant headache. Especially the popular ones. The patrons waiting to read these hot titles are cheesed off. And so they should be. There's no excuse for such a disregard of common courtesy. Plus, the library wastes precious time and money chasing down late books. Sure, some fine money might come in someday. But it rarely covers the expense and bother.

Delinquent books are their own punishment when you use Gouger's BookFair BookJaws. Affix a BookJaw to the spine of a book during processing. Each easy-to-attach device can be set for a specific borrowing period. BookJaws are automatically activated when the book is checked out. When the book becomes overdue, look out! BookJaws snap that book closed. No matter what method an angry reader might try, BookJaw books can not be reopened until they are returned to the library. The BookFair system instantly and easily resets every book at Checkin. Why, it's so simple a tutor could do it!

Now that's fair. BookFair. Only from Gouger. Gouging Librarians for almost a fifth of a decade.

Item #197-BookFair BookJaw System-$100 per 10,000

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