Here at Gouger Library Supplies we have long felt this quirky literary wonderland would make a fantastic setting for a situation comedy. All the necessary elements are already in place; an eccentric staff, wacky neighbors, money troubles, misguided romance, farcical misunderstandings and bratty children. Top it all off with an endless stream of screwball visitors and you've got the makings one funny TV show. All you need is a catchy theme song and guest appearances by Karen Valentine and John Davidson.
Gouger can't put your library on network TV. Only Hollywood or the police can do that. But you can have the next best thing with our amazing new Library Laugh-Back Track! This compact and easy-to-use device will supply your already TV-like existence with the snickers, guffaws, and dacrygelosis that have always been so noticeably lacking.
This wonder was invented by that eminent Mad Library Scientist, Mr. Bibliophage Sardonicus (ED, MLS, Phd, C3P0). His Library Laugh-Back Track utilizes the naturally horrid acoustic of every library building to easily bring laughter into every nook and cranny. Everyone in the library will feel like a TV star!
Celebrate and enjoy the unique zaniness that is the library. Purchase our Library Laugh-Back Track and start reaping the sidesplitting benefits of an even weirder workplace. No installation required; takes two 9-volt batteries (included).
Item #219-Library Laugh-Back Track-$49.95