Monday, March 26, 2007

Gouger Kids You Not

The success of our Reference Reprint line has inspired us to branch out to other literary fields. We have scoured the globe for children's public domain titles. Smatchet Storybooks contain colorful artwork and short words. These educational books were written by some of the finest mediocrists in the publishing world. And are they tough! Gouger's exclusive Mackle Brand paper can't be torn by tots or begrimed by brats.

Our first Smatchet Storybook is an exciting tale of four orphans who have many adventures. The Stockcar Children Meet the Lady From Social Services is a roller coaster of a tale, full of ridiculous situations and dangerous villains. Children of all ages will love this spine-tingling
tale of bureaucracy and neglect. They will read it all they way to the end to see if the heroes manage to stay together and escape back to the safety of the stockyard.

Item #038-Smatchet Storybook #1-$14.95

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