Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Truth is Out There and It's Incomprehensible

Gouger is all about honesty. That's why our newest product will help librarians celebrate the revelation that no one on Earth can decipher government indexing. Our new DVD Unsolved Enigmas of the U.S. Code will absolve and comfort frustrated librarians. Hosted by some washed-up TV star, this revealing documentary hits hard. Gouger reveals how the Code is assembled randomly by drunken monkeys with scissors. Our undercover reporters expose an index calculated by mixing up phone numbers from Washington area cocktail lounges.

You owe it to your people to show this film at your next staff meeting. A great morale booster, this epic makes everyone feel better about their professional skills.

Item #034-Unsolved Enigmas of the U.S Code DVD-$14.95

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