Saturday, March 31, 2007

Van Gogh Away!

Libraries often host exhibitions by terrible local artists. The art world would often be better served by hanging the creators rather than their creations. Still, patrons seem mysteriously drawn to these exhibits. And they do cover the stains on the meeting room walls.

But sometimes the supply of homegrown Homers evaporates and there is nothing to display. Gouger can help cover those naked spaces. Keep a stock of our Easel Eyesores and you need never run short of the monstrosities your public has come to expect. We will send you an assortment of hideously inept paintings.

Every batch will include the following genres:
*Embarrassing Yet Non-Sexy Nude
*Blurry Country Landscape
*Sad Attempt At Modern Art
*Mawkish Creepy Child
*Unconvincing Bowl of Fruit
*Out of Scale Lighthouse

Just tell us how many you need. For added authenticity, Gouger provides a tasteful "Overpriced" tag with each item.

Item #041-Easel Eyesores-$24.95 per dozen

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