Monday, February 25, 2008

No Taxation Information Without Compensation!

Tax time. The mere mention of this loathsome season is enough to make most librarians scream in gut-wrenching torment. That librarians put themselves through this nightmare year after year speaks of their amazing goodness and/or extreme wimpiness. If there was a humongous tax break awarded for being the unwilling front-line troops of the IRS it might be worth it. But there ain't and it isn't.

Keep the public informed of the library's taxation information limitations with Gouger's newest Non-Lame Library T-Shirt. This trendy garment boldly declares "MLS Not IRS : No Tax Advice". This all-wadmol shirt absolves you of any tax knowledge beyond where the damn things are located in the building. And even that's pushing it. Buy a dozen of these fine shirts- you're going to need one for every day of the week until April 16th.

Please specify size : X-Small, X-Medium, Consortium

Item #161-Non-Lame Library T-Shirt-$14.95

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