Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cruel to be Kindling

There comes a time in every librarian's career when they are trapped on the telephone in The Reference Interview That Will Not End. No matter how many times an answer is given or a concept explained, the patron simply will not let go. The entire conversation takes on a surreal quality as time, space, and common sense begin to blur and melt away. A line forms. As other patrons wait for your attention, they too are helplessly drawn into the Endless Reference Question Void.

Just hang up, outsiders might say. But librarians know it's not that simple. These patrons call will call back immediately, convinced they were cut off. Even flat out denial of further service merely leads to a eternal conversation on this exciting new topic. The trick is to just stop the conversation dead and never let it resume. But how?

Gouger is here for you. Get a load of our newest gadget, Sam & Sara False Alarm. Designed by two cynical MLasseS at one of the nation's largest libraries, the S&S attaches easily to any standard telephone. When a reference transaction gets out of hand, just pull the handle. The blaring sound of a fire alarm will drone over any babbler, no matter how persistent. And no harm done. That's because a Sam & Sara False Alarm is only audible over the phone. Patrons standing right in front of you will be blissfully unaware of your clever ruse. You rascal. Break the cycle and order now.

Item #164-Sam & Sara False Alarm-$19.95

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