Friday, June 13, 2008

I'll Be Damned!

That Pope Benedict XVI! What will he do next? In conjunction with Gouger, the pontiff has started his own book club! That's right. Every month His Holiness will pick out a book and discuss it with the masses. And Gouger is the place to get the good word and the good books.

Join Poperah's Book Club and you will receive that month's selection as soon as it is announced. Just tell us how many copies your library needs and Gouger will speed them to your library all processed and ready to circulate. It's almost a miracle.

Here's a preview of what the Holy Father might be considering :
  • The Bible (version unannounced)

  • Tuesdays With Moses

  • The Genesis Book of World Records

  • Ordinary Papal

  • The Diet of Worms : Never Be Fat Again, Just Like the Vatican

  • Holy See, Holy Do

  • Beatify Your Home

Join today! You can bet your zucchetto that these books will be the talk of the town! And that's no Papal Bull.

Item #190-Poperah's Book Club-$14.95 per copy

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