Is your library plagued by patrons with B.O. that would knock a buzzard off a bookcart? Does the smell make the marble statue in the lobby cry? Solve that smelly problem today with
Mary N's Book-Shaped Air Freshener! Concealed in this lovely two volume set is an strong berry-scented air freshener that will make your library smell fantastic all the time. Designed by the eminent library scientist Mary N., this product emits a germ killing, long-lasting mist that your patrons will never notice. And don't worry about patrons disturbing them, either. We've labeled them with titles so boring and covers so ratty even the most avid reader won't ever touch them.
A Gouger exclusive, the Book-Shaped Air Freshener is a discreet and thoughtful way to avoid confronting the hygenically-challenged.
Item # 002 Mary N.'s Book-Shaped Air Freshener $25 each
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