Wednesday, April 25, 2007
A Book For That Aukward Age
The staff here Gouger is pleased that Children's Librarians the world over have embraced our Smatchet brand storybooks. The critical and professional reviews have been surprisingly favorable. We take great pride in announcing the second title in this endearing series.
Smatchet Storybook #2 is a cautionary tale that shows children the dangers of spheniscan drug abuse. It is the story of a good little penguin who makes a bad choice. The story of Mr. Penquin's Poppers is about a silly bird who wishes he could fly. Some bad Jackass Penguins tell Mr. Penguin that Amyl Nitrite will help him flap his wings faster. Foolishly, he "goes along with the flock". Mr. Popper tries to fly, but meets only with failure and arrhythmia . In the end his real friend Admiral Byrd helps him quit cold turkey.
This frank book will open a dialogue between adults and children about the dangers of penguins on pep pills. Young readers will appreciate and learn from this well-told story. Adults will enjoy the pictures of stoned penguins.
Item #052-Smatchet Storybook #2-$14.95