Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Town

The majority of municipalities have very little in the way of recorded history. Ken Burns rarely produces a 10-part PBS series with an accompanying book on communities whose claim to fame is a defunct herring factory. Sure, your town has a history. But it's so boring and nondescript no one ever wrote it down. When schoolchildren come in with local history projects, your staff sends them to interview the nice old man who dozes near the magazines. He remembers when the herring factory was still open.

All that is about to change. Every Nowheresville and Dungburg can have an impressive set of municipal history volumes. Gouger is pleased to offer the Gene Eric Ananias Local History Series. Mr. Ananis is renowned historian and malefactor of the arts. Just fill in the detailed questionnaire and mail us a few pictures. We'll ask you for local names, dates, landmarks, and other junk about your town. Then we weave it into an psuedoplausible chronicle of your corner of the Earth. Bound in beautiful antique leather, the rich appearance adds to the illusion of authenticity.

Since all history is more or less made up, don't fret about accuracy. After all, if no one has bothered to write a history of your little Dullsville yet, it's unlikely they'll start now. History buffs and students alike will hail this newly discovered primary document. Make history (literally) with Gouger.

Item #104-Gene Eric Anaias Local History Series-$89.95 per 100 pages

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