Monday, November 05, 2007

For the Hard of Herring

Sometimes it's all you can do to keep up with patron requests for information on marine life. Sure, you could invest in one of those gigantic aquatic reference sets. But if your library is like most, the reference shelves are already packed like a sardine can. Keep your patrons from carping away because Gouger has a whale of a solution.

The Microfish Reader stores and displays billions of fishy-looking text pages in one machine. Exclusive Microchips technology guarantees finding fish facts fast. Patrons will perch for hours over this stupendous machine. The attached printer accepts cash or credit cod. And it's no fluke the MR is simple to use. Patrons will never flounder with the easy-to-follow directions.

Don't be koi. You know you want one. Order now!

Item #122-Microfish Reader-$499.95

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