Shut Up, Shut Up, Dammit to Hell Shut Up! No matter what you do your library has a decibel level that rivals a Who concert. You spend your workday reinforcing every librarian stereotype in the world. Do you despise scolding thoughtless morons all day? Gouger is proud to add another item to our fine range of patron muting products.
You will appear as the very essence of civility when you set out a dish or two of our imported Omerta Brand Mints. These quality candies cause a refreshing case of temporary speechlessness. They freshen the breath while shutting the mouth. Buy a ton or more and Gouger will throw in a dozen free Crystalastic candy dishes. They look great in with any library decor.
Take the Harpocratic Oath today with some delicious Omerta Brand Mints. We like to call them Contentmints. Place your order today.
Item #141-Omerta Brand Mints-$4.95 per 100 lb bag
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