Every library card that gets issued to a child is a small victory for the forces of bibliogood. Kids feel very important, happy, and grown-up to have their very own library card. And they're right. It's really a cool deal for everyone involved.
Here at Gouger we feel that this event is a wonderful cause for a celebration and some moneymaking. Make a proper big deal out of this very important milestone with our My First Library Card Kit. Every new little borrower will be thrilled with the snazzy commemorative photo you'll take with the simple-to-use Shutterbug Digital Camera. This 12-megapixel camera (software included) even looks just like an adorable storybook ladybug!
And that's not all! Every kit comes with 10,000 My First Library Card cardboard photo folios. Be sure to include your library's name and logo and we'll emboss it right on each folder at no extra cost. Preserve those cheesy toothless smiles and storybook memories for all time. Mom and Dad Taxpayer will love you forever. And so will little Judy and Elroy who will think the library is the swellest place on Earth. Which it is.
Order today and we'll throw in a gross of MFLC pencils and a jumbo roll of our "Born to Read" E-Z-2 Remove Stickers. It's a great deal. Get 'em reading early. Get 'em reading for life.
Item #193-My First Library Card Kit-$199